Monday, July 8, 2013


This past July 4th weekend, we went up to WesterCon66. I was slated to photograph the masquerade contestants for the convention. My lighting gear had been shipped up to the convention, held in Sacramento, CA earlier in the week.

Needless to say, the convention was fun to attend. It was a small convention (~approx 900-1000 people), but a good convention. Some of our friends were in attendance, including folks whom I hadn't seen in about 2 years, so it was good to catch up. Much like a knitting get-together, much of fandom are amazing and gracious people and I fully enjoyed their company.  Many of the costumes walking the hallways were pretty spectacular, and I enjoyed many of the panels there.

(Clark & Superman together in one location!)

Also, the masquerade shoot went off with nary a hitch. The costumers were varied and extremely creative in their work. I'm still in the process of processing the photos I took of the masquerade contestants, which I'll post here as time progresses and I get through the backlog.

So, gentle readers, I am here, just swamped with the post-con work that needs to happen. I'll do a write-up of the convention as time permits.

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